Who Pays for the Unexpected??An Attorney's View
From an attorney's point of view, the answer to the question, 'Who Pays for the Unexpected?' in construction depends upon several considerations....

New Vs. Old? A New Capacity Question Facing Hydropower Redevelopers
Determining the extent of PURPA-qualified 'new capacity' which may be created as a result of the modification/rebuild/redevelopment of existing projects is a...

Reclaiming the Uncompleted Project of Another Development A-Case Study
This paper will examine the problems encountered when a second organization assumes control of a project from an earlier developer that could not carry the project through to completion....

Socio-Economic Issues in Financing Water Resources Development Compared to Non-Structural Alternatives
Like the hydrologic cycle, financing water resources development requires a holistic view of the technical, legal, institutional (social and economic) factors before alternative selection....

Contract Documents: Lessons from Litigation
Perfect contract documents and a flawless design are uncommon. Given the complexity of many construction projects and the advances in technology, it is not surprising that contract language,...

High Plains States' View on Weather Modification
The need for a critical analysis of all weather modification efforts has continued to be expressed during the ten years of the North American Interstate Weather Modification Council (NAIWMC)....

Water Rights Issues
The paper focuses primarily on the fragmented legal rights to water in the hydrologic cycle, with conjunctive use and management of interconnected water resources and with some conflicting...

Assessment of the Role of the Social Sciences in Water Planning and Management: Legal Systems and their Impediments to Change
Water resource planners and managers may not be able to do what they believe essential, or at least useful, to sound water management because the action would violate the federal constitution...

A Lawyer's View of Engineers' Responsibility
When presented with a case involving damaged property, a lawyer typically will seek to determine the point of the failure and then work backwards in an effort to analyze each of the factors...

Pinto Wash Alluvial Fan Litigation
This paper presents a case history involving flood/damage litigation brought by a downstream farmer against an upstream farmer and a local public irrigation district. The case combined...

Dam Safety, Yes.; But What About Safety at Dams?
Design and construction of safe structures are the professional obligations of hydraulic engineers. However, there are environmental dangers with safe structures which engineers often...

Computer Assisted Mistakes
The proliferation of computer usage by design engineers will continue to generate change in practice. It will affect the process and production of design. It will affect the relationships...

Recent Legal Developments under the Coastal Zone Management Act
The experiment in federal-state cooperation for management of the area known as the coastal zone is generally working well fifteen years after the enactment of the Coastal Zone Management...

Philippine C Z Management: Organizational Linkages
This case study explains the Philippine government's program for the administration of its coastal zones. It analyzes the legal and institutional setup while emphasizing the...

International Strategies for Coastal and Marine Management in the Gulf of Maine
Now that the international maritime boundary dispute between Canada and the United States has been delineated by the International Court of Justice, it is appropriate to consider how the...

CZMA Consistency Revisited: A Mechanism to Mitigate OCS Impacts?
With the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) recently reauthorized for five years and recent legal developments regarding consistency, this is the ideal time to revisit the question: are...

Coastal Zone Management in Sri Lanka 1978-1986
Although interest in the management of coastal problems in Sri Lanka dates from the 1920s, it was not until the mid-1970s that a management approach began to be developed. Initially, Sri...

A Regional Program on Coastal Monitoring and Management of Mangrove in Brazil
The results presented in this paper correspond to a synthesis of the evaluation of mangrove in the Brazilian coastal zone, based on calculations over radar imagery generated by RADAMBRASIL...

Canada's Policy for National Marine Parks
The paper reviews some of the unique characteristics of marine ecosystems that demand management considerations distinct from those applied to terrestrial ones. The second part presents...

Judicial Solutions to Beach Access Problems in New Jersey
Legal doctrines notwithstanding, access to public trust beach is still, in many locations, inconvenient, expensive, or impossible. Private property signs containing threats of fines or...





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